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Home: Welcome
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Hi, my name is Banner Griffin, I am a first-generation college student from the small town of Mount Airy, North Carolina. It is safe to say I am a history nerd and want to share the love of history with the next generation. As an educator, I believe the purpose of school is to help the next generation find jobs. History is the best subject for that due to the research and critical thinking within the subject.

Home: About Me


I have always been interested in social studies from a young age. I was always the kid who would watch documentaries instead of cartoons, and in high school, I became the person everyone wanted on their team when we played jeopardy in history class. I do not know why I am interested in the subject, it just comes naturally. I figured since I enjoy it so much I would become an educator and share the love of history with my students. People sometimes ask me “why would you ever consider education, you don't look like someone who would be interested in that?” 

Everyone has had a teacher that has made a difference in their lives and the teachers that make the difference are the ones who see teaching as more than just note-taking and tests. I strive to be that kind of teacher and that is why I want to be in this profession. In the classroom, I strive to build a sense of community in which students get to know each other and learn the content at the same time. Our time in the classroom is only 90-180 days but the lessons last a lifetime. I want the lessons from my class to carry on with students far beyond the classroom. 

In order for students to learn and actively participate in this community, I plan on changing how history is learned in my classroom. History is typically taught as taking notes, filling out packets, and taking a test. With these old methods, there is nothing beneficial and students often work alone and get bored quickly. I plan on using class discussions, group work, and various digital tools to improve my classroom. I hope that with these tools and my style of teaching that I can impact students' lives.

My resume is attached below. If there are any questions do not hesitate to reach out. 

Home: About Me


My Studies

January 2020- December 2022

I graduated from Appalachian State University with a bachelors degree in Social Studies Education


August 2017- December 2019


While at Surry Community College I built my GPA up and took classes that transferred towards my degree at Appalachian State University.

August 2013-June 2017


While in high school I excelled in the subjects of History, and English. This is where I found my love for history and decided that I would pursue a career as an educator.

Home: Education


Here is the curriculum map for the modern history unit, and the Unit map we will follow for the semester.

Home: Projects


These lesson plans are based on my modern history unit ranging from 1989 to today.

Home: Projects


Home: Experience
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